Purely Media People is led by Jim Hicks. Jim has a 40 year career in broadcasting and has work at the highest point in some of the UK’s leading broadcasters.
As the employees within your organisation have to take on more and more responsibility, there has never been a greater need for individual investment to develop their skills, keep them motivated, confident and focused.
Podcasting is the ‘new radio’. With decades of experience in coaching and specialist training modules for all positions within radio, we now can offer this to podcasters looking to up their game in professional standard audio output.
We independently provide format statistics, editorial style, brand and presentation analysis for your TV or Radio programme and those of your competitors. This information is provided with consultative input which allows you to make decisions about your content and on air personnel against the attributes that your competitors hold.
We also conduct full Leadership and Management Development Programmes that provide a number of training modules in conjunction with coaching.
As well as full Programmes, we also offer bespoke training solutions based on specific organisational briefs – we do not believe that ‘one size fits all.’ Our training is based on experiential learning and we make our training real, fun, and relevant to the individuals’ needs and experience.
Get in touch for a free audit of your content. We can make suggestions and discuss how we can help you develop your media performance.